Reliable infrastructure solutions

Leading with precision

From Chainlink oracle services and secure validation to staking as a service. Our comprehensive offering makes us the Web3 service provider you can trust to ensure data integrity and operational excellence.

Choose an external service provider you can trust

Leverage our highly reliable and secure infrastructure to unlock the true web3 experience. Matrixedlink is already providing services for industry leaders.

Validator & Staking
Stake & Earn with us
Earn rewards, boost security
Reliable, secure validators
Maximum uptime
Acces staking
Chainlink Pricefeeds
Verified Chainlink Node Operator
Reliable and secure data
All major chains
300+ Pricefeeds
Learn more
Web3 API
The fastest
Web3 connection
99.99% Uptime
20+ Blockchains
10ms avg. response time
In development
Custom Oracles

We excel in creating custom oracle solutions utilizing Chainlink. Our integrations cover a wide range of applications, including cross-chain token transfers, on-chain derivative trading, commodity price oracles, and tokenization of real-world assets.

We have successfully built an integration for Tangible.Store, enabling the tokenization of over 200 rental properties in the UK and USA. By leveraging our oracle integration, maintaining the Chainlink Node, and ensuring secure and reliable infrastructure, we have made this groundbreaking DeFi use-case a reality.

In collaboration with GainsNetwork, we have bootstrapped a custom Decentralized Oracle Network (DON) in 2021. The DON showcases the versatility of Chainlink by offering over 120 pairs across crypto, forex, and commodities with guaranteed execution.

For our partner LandX we are providing on-chain data for commodities such as grain, soy, wheat, and rice. This data is utilized in their Dapp, enabling the creation of perpetual commodity vaults.

Managed Node (NaaS)

Experience unparalleled performance and security for your blockchain operations with our comprehensive managed node services. We support all types of node infrastructure, aligning with our commitment to innovation and excellence. Let your vision drive our mission.

We contribute to Enjin's blockchain infrastructure by operating a diverse array of nodes, ensuring network stability and performance. This supports Enjin's goal of providing a reliable and scalable blockchain ecosystem.

By deploying and managing advanced nodes, we enhance the Allora Network's infrastructure, facilitating the continuous self-improvement of its AI capabilities. This ensures a robust and scalable environment for Allora's innovative AI solutions.

By optimizing and maintaining essential infrastructure, we support GainsNetwork's trading platform, enhancing the trading experience for derivatives like BTC-USD. This ensures high performance, reliability, and seamless access to advanced trading opportunities.