Custom Chainlink Oracles

Custom Chainlink Oracles


We specialize in custom Chainlink oracle integrations, ensuring efficient and well-maintained nodes


MatrixedLink is a Chainlink Node Operator, offering a range of services including Data Feeds and Proof of Reserve across multiple blockchains. We specialize in custom Chainlink oracle integrations, ensuring efficient and well-maintained node operations.

MatrixedLink has developed a Real Estate oracle for Tangible.Store, enabling tokenization of rental properties for DeFi-use in the UK and USA. We also created a Validator oracle for facilitating cross-chain asset migration, and providing real-time asset price data for financial instruments, supporting platforms like Gainsnetwork. Additionally, our Commodity oracle integrates agricultural commodity pricing into LandxFinance's DeFi applications.

Services include custom integration of External Adapters (EAs) and coding for specific data and event triggers, along with comprehensive management of Chainlink node infrastructure.

Custom Chainlink Oracles
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